A network of renowned journalists supporting upcoming journalists
Mentorship Hub integrates a network of renowned journalists to support upcoming journalists with skills and knowledge to undertake investigative journalism work. There’s certainly lots to do. Complicated global problems like mis-and disinformation, climate change, information warfare, and the erosion of privacy are creating new “jobs” that companies and consumers will pay to get done.
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Curated online courses, resources and reading materials in media development work
With a variety of curated online courses, resources and reading materials Media-Techs Learning Hub provides opportunities for trainings to enhance your skills in media development work. Our leaning experience seeks to break down the pervasive academic silos of information technology and journalism. Our training includes both experienced and novice media practitioners. Attendants work in small teams engaging in peer-to-peer teaching.
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3 years, 6 months ago
Peter Munyasi
Social change for software developers/innovators and journalists to develop innovative solutions
Our Innovation Lab brings together social change software developers/innovators and journalists to develop innovative solutions leveraging on use of technology and data, to bring about transparency and accountability. Here, Journalists meet, brainstorm with innovators/software developers and jointly develop innovative solutions. These solutions seek to address the gaps in achieving effective report accountability on issues that affect people’s everyday lives.
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