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    • #11093
      User Avatar@thomas

      The love for 50bob in my country Kenya is amazing. So powerful that it gets to traverse the country from border to border, to the hospital corridors, and not forgetting the mighty hand of the traffic cop.

    • #11097
      User AvatarMuteti Jnr

      Fifty bob plays a key role in corruption

    • #11099
      User AvatarLenah Bosibori

      The police are on the front lines, they tell makangas to use their own routes if they have not given them the 50bob

    • #11101
      User AvatarTebby

      Looking at it from the corruption point of view, this note is the amount easily used where cash is exchanged. Small amount but accimulate to billions.

    • #11102
      User Avatarondiekielvis

      I wish there would be a way to place a tracker on one note then trace its movement all over Kenya. An impossible feat probably, but we need to track one, just one note.

    • #11103
      User AvatarSharonKiburi

      Fifty bob can save one court process in Kenya

    • #11104
      User AvatarT.G.

      Use of mobile money may diminish the power of 50 bob.

    • #11105
      User Avatarmwendwa

      50 bob can a buy meal at kibandaski


    • #11106
      User Avatar@thomas

      Fifty bob is so powerful that even the gateman at your estate will still demand you pay something despite paying a monthly security fee. When you pay, they even open the gate for you and salute for you.

    • #11107
      User AvatarNthambi Kiilu

      The power of 50 bob has now moved to 100 bob. They give 100 bob as an escape route just in case they are caught on the wrong side of the law.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by User AvatarPeter Munyasi.
    • #11109
      User AvatarKamadiAmata

      Used by politicians as handouts

    • #11110
      User AvatarT.G.

      How can i earn 50 bob a day

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by User AvatarT.G..
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