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Upcoming Event

Our Innovation Lab brings together social change software developers/innovators and journalists to develop innovative solutions leveraging on use of technology and data, to bring about transparency and accountability. Here, Journalists meet, brainstorm with innovators/software developers and jointly develop innovative solutions. These solutions seek to address the gaps in achieving effective report accountability on issues that affect people’s everyday lives.

The Innovative solutions and tools developed from the Media-Tech Hub Innovation Lab, can then used for data mining, analysis and dissemination of actionable insights to provide ready content for use by journalists, activists and social change actors. These solutions are geared towards promoting good governance, transparency and accountability in different sectors and at different levels of governance from within communities, nationally and regionally.

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Whats New

With a variety of curated online courses, resources and reading materials Media-Techs Learning Hub provides opportunities for trainings to enhance your skills in media development work. Our leaning experience seeks to break down the pervasive academic silos of information technology and journalism. Our training includes both experienced and novice media practitioners. Attendants work in small teams engaging in peer-to-peer teaching.

Media Ethics and Governance

This course explores some of the basic theories, models and concepts in the field of…

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Sample course 2

Tueretur natalem loquantur sequantur brevis duabus res eum auctoritas laudari opponitur aut superabat quicquid vocatur…

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Sample course 3

Tueretur natalem loquantur sequantur brevis duabus res eum auctoritas laudari opponitur aut superabat quicquid vocatur…

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